Ep 27 – THE FOLLY OF GUNS IN PROTECTION – Pablo Ortiz-Monasterio
Mar 1, 2022
PODCAST CATEGORY: Executive Protection
Mexico is known for many things – it’s music, it’s food, it’s beautiful lush vegetation and beaches – but there’s no denying, it also is known for its dangerous, cartel controlled cities, and targeted crime. Imagine what it would be like to provide protection in such a challenging country?
Meet Pablo Ortiz-Monasterio – a true protector who has devoted his life to keep others safe. Along with his company, being an Expert Security Driver himself, and the host of the largest Executive Protection conference in Latin America (EP Summit), Pablo also is a friend, and ambassador of the EPL brand in Mexico.
Pablo is an active Member at the Society for Automotive Engineers, ASIS and IBSSA. As a Senior Instructor, he has more than a decade of experience in Vehicle Dynamics, Security and Executive Protection.
• Certified in Advanced Vehicle Dynamics by Tony Scotti Driving.
• Certified as an Executive Protection Instructor by the International Bodyguard and Security Services Association (IBSSA)
• A permanent Radio and TV show Consultant in subjects of security, executive protection and anti-human trafficking
• A Consultant to the Mexican Government on Executive Protection Standard development for standardizing EP certification nationwide.
• Skilled in K&R Negotiations, Executive Protection and Family Security programs, with 18+ years of experience.
In today’ podcast, we catch up with Pablo at the recent EP Forum in Las Vegas. His insight on EP without firearms, the importance of intelligence, and how to learn from the enemy by speaking with the enemy, is one not to miss.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Pablo Ortiz-Monasterio.