Ep 68 – CIA LIFE & BEYOND – Thomas Pecora
Dec 20, 2022
PODCAST CATEGORY: Executive Protection
It’s not everyday the events in your life are made into a movie. A gripping movie depicting an impossible life and death mission. The movie was ’13 Hours’. But it’s also not normal to have worked 24 years in the CIA, with 20 plus years undercover.
Meet Thomas (Tom) Pecora, author of “GUARDIAN – Life in the Crosshairs of the CIA’s War on Terror” – a historical memoir chronicling his 24 years in the CIA in protective operations, counter-terrorism and security working in some of the worst terrorist hotbeds in the world.
A seasoned protective operations veteran, Tom led teams protecting CIA personnel and visiting VIP personnel to include the President, Vice President, as well as Senate and Congressional Delegations. Tom spent 3 years providing protective operations training courses to foreign government protective services from Latin America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Tom received the Intelligence Star, the CIA’s second highest honor for valor and the Career Intelligence Medal for service reflecting exceptional achievements.
In today’s podcast we talk with Tom about his uneventful start, working internationally, being undercover with the CIA for 20 plus years, the value of training to hone your skills, and how performing your duties gets you further then aiming to climb the ladder for titles and positions.
Retired and now residing in the Philippines, Tom still pours out into high level security and protection teams via his online training entity – ARCURI GROUP LLC. We highly recommend their 4 hour ‘Situational Awareness’ course. https://arcurigroupllc.us/index.html
An incredible individual with incredible insight and experience…you don’t want to miss this one!
Ladies and gentlemen, Thomas Pecora. https://www.thomas-pecora.com