Ep 7 – GROWTH THROUGH HARDSHIP – Dragan Vukicevic
Oct 18, 2021
HARDSHIP – is it really something we should avoid at all costs? In our ‘cushy’ society filled with comfortable options everywhere we turn, has enduring hard things become a thing of the past?
Obviously not, as life is no respecter of persons and ultimately, you will face things that will be hard to endure. But endure you must.
It is widely known the caterpillar, metamorphosed and ready to come out of its chrysalis, must struggle immensely to free itself into its new transformed self. The muscles needed to fly, are developed during this struggle. If you helped them through this struggle by opening the cocoon to make it easier together out, The butterfly would fall to the ground unable to fly – void of the muscles to do so. The same applies to Dragan’s (A real Serbian name).
Meet Dragan – known for his beautiful heart, street sense – and muscles. Beyond his lats, his life experience is rich and those who know him are enriched by his words and perspective. On today’s podcast, here him challenge you to embrace the hardships you are dealt, for they are designed to help you grow.
Ladies and gentlemen – Mr. Dragan Vukicevic.