As the weather cools down and the colours begin to change, we’re starting to see a rise in the numbers once again.
As we see social gathering numbers once again reduced and patios shut down, the all too familiar feeling of a pending lockdown is starting to sink in with some.
With families just starting to adjust back to the fall back to school routine – whether children have gone back to in school learning, or have opted for e learning – parents are juggling the new schedules. And with new information constantly coming from schools, parents are almost getting their kids in class while they can for fear of another complete shut down.
Whether you believe that the Coronavirus is real, or not, or sit somewhere in the middle where you understand the risks but choose to try and live as normal a life as possible. There is no denying that Covid-19 has thrown us all into what can sometimes feel is a downward spiral.
Right or wrong, the last thing anyone should be doing is judging another for their choice of belief.
Providing we are all respectful of one another and don’t go out of our way to do any intentional harm, there is no reason we all can’t live in a society where different groups believe different things and yet someone still coexist peacefully.
After all, didn’t countries literally fight for this exact system for centuries?
While at the same time, we don’t need to be constantly shoving our beliefs down the neigh sayers throats or vice versa – there is no reason we can’t try to take a look at things from anothers perspective.
What one family feels safe doing may not feel safe for others. And thats ok.
We all have different risk factors and different reasons for having the beliefs we have.
While seniors are one of the most at risk groups when it comes to this particular pandemic – we have to keep in mind that they have lived through their share of trials and tribulations too.
I was recently told while speaking with a young women at the spry age of 92 – that for 6 years when she lived in Germany, she would hear the bomb sirens.
At first – they would run and hide the second they heard the wailing of the sirens.
By the time the six years had passed, they hardly gave them a second thought and merely accepted their fate.
While running from bombs and trying to restrain a pandemic are definitely two very different scenarios – the psychology behind these wise words is something that can be taken to heart in either case.
Basically – we all have a choice.
When it comes to a bomb, we can hide and seek safe shelter, or accept our fate that one day it may be our time and the bomb could strike our position.
When it comes to a pandemic, we can abide by the recommendations passed on from the professionals. Maintain a small bubble, social distance, and stay home. Luckily in this day and age, staying home and staying apart isn’t what it used to be. With modern technology we can FaceTime and Zoom, hold regular meetings or even dates, all from the comfort of our own homes.
At the same time, maybe missing time with family is something we’re not ready to give up on. And if thats the case, we accept the risk that the virus can very will be transmitted not just to ourselves, but to those we love and care about. Keeping in mind that in the case of Covid-19, we can’t pick the outcome.
Much like a bomb could land on our doorstep 80 years ago and could either prove to be a fatal blow, leave us with life altering injuries, or merely a scratch if anything at all. Coronavirus could simply use us as a carrier to spread to others without us even knowing – keeping us completely asymptomatic, or we could develop flu light symptoms and spend time in bed, or it could prove to be fatal to ourselves – or those that we pass it on too.
Either way – we don’t get to write our own ending.
What we can do is respect others for the choices they have made and the beliefs that they have.
We can work to coexist with those that think different then ourselves.
And most importantly – whether we believe or not, we can respect the safe space of others to ensure that we are not that second world war bomb, or twenty first century pandemic – either of which if you get hit by, will typically cause undo discomfort.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies

Rayna Davies is a graduate and practitioner of Business Management. She has developed an expertise in blogging, covering subjects like travel, world events and security. Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities. She presently assists Sentinel Security in Executive Protection workshops and guest blogging and also assists Gloprosec Preventative Services in Intelligence gathering and Business Administration. Her passions include World travel, having visited every continent.