Client Kindness – Is the Customer Always Right?
Regardless of industry, regardless of background, regardless of employment status – at some point in all of our lives, we’ve either been the client or have dealt with them.
We know what its like to receive poor or inadequate service, yet there are times that we forget what its like to be on the other side of the table.
There are experiences we have that leave such a poor taste that we’re almost blind to kindness or the act of treating others how we prefer to be treated.
And there are times that our experiences are purely based on the poor customer service we receive at any given time.
As a client, we know what we want and we expect to get value for what we’re putting out, especially when it comes down to our hard earned dollars these days.
We have expectations and we expect them to be met if not exceeded.
The speed at which a negative experience is communicated is much faster than that of a positive one as well.
Positive experiences are expected so why would we speak of them if they should in theory be a basic minimum standard?
Yet even when exceeded we’re often hard pressed to shout praise because we’re too busy or overwhelmed and can’t be burdened with taking the extra step sometimes to point out the good – to give extra thanks, or to put out a recommendation.
However anything sub par or less than satisfactory – even if only slightly – we will shout it from the rooftops.
We’ve become a society in someways where things often just aren’t good enough.
Especially with inflation and rising costs, if we’re paying more for something – we want the best.
However an egg is an egg is an egg. Regardless of the cost, its still an egg.
And maybe our expectations go beyond what we’re initially paying for.
We can buy eggs and maybe pay more, so for some reason expect the egg to be golden – however its still an egg.
What we do with the egg however can change its value and its worth and therefore affect expectations.
However at this point, its what we’ve personally done with the egg and anything less than satisfactory is maybe actually on us – and not the chicken itself.
However why blame ourselves when we can blame others?
Buying an egg, regardless of cost – cooking it scrambled but wanting sunny side up – thats not the chicken’s fault.
Thats our own.
Yet why not somehow find a way to blame the chicken?
Maybe the chicken should have known – why didn’t it come sunny side up in the first place?
It sounds ridiculous and perhaps this example was intentionally stretched to seem that way however there are some people out there with this same line of thought.
Maybe by no fault of their own but by either a case of nature vs nuture.
Maybe their surroundings have them so worn down its hard to see things any other way.
Maybe we as people are just so tired we want the best and easiest regardless of any factors in the way.
When it comes to dealing with clients however – its best to put ourselves in their shoes.
As a customer we want issues rectified, and immediate or in the least a swift response.
We understand we have to pay, but we want to see the value of our dollar. We want what we paid for or even that little bit extra.
If a client (or ourselves) receive anything less, when you reach out to have issues dealt with – responses should be quick.
The person on the receiving end of the issue need to be kind – regardless of the issue.
While we’re all aware that the customer may not always be right – we know that maybe the circumstances for their unhappiness lead beyond what we can control.
If we can at least be kind, we’re offering them that little bit of niceness to hopefully help smooth over their mood and find a middle ground. Or in the very least, being nice enough to let them down gently without outright pointing out the error of their ways – if that should be the case.
Ourselves as consumers and clients, are paying more than ever for services these days.
As business owners, prices are forced to increase due to the rising cost of living, wage expenses, and increasing overhead costs.
Everything works hand in hand almost against each other to force the economy into this uphill battle.
And as long as we as consumers continue to pay the rising costs, why would we expect to pay less when time and time again we’re proving to the economy that as hard as it is, we will still continue to pay whatever sometimes exorbitant cost is offered.
In the very least, in terms of client relations we need to keep in mind that consumers do continue to pay for services and products.
Expectations are increasing and not the other way around.
And in the very end – while the client may not always be right, the client is the one paying.
And if we don’t have clients paying for our offerings, what do we have left?
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies
Rayna is the Office Manager at Sentinel Security, as well as the main blog contributor.
With foundations firmly routed in Business administration, Customer Service, and Management, she brings years of experience to her roles both within the Sentinel office, and the blog.
Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities.
Her passions include spending time with her husband and two young children, world travel, reading, writing, and pushing herself to always look for the silver lining.