Communication – Talking and Listening
In this industry, this is a vital tool for a successful detail.
It isn’t however all about talking. Communication doesn’t end with the words that come out of your mouth. Communication embraces a multitude of things.
It starts with preparing for your detail. Clients communicating their exact needs – formulating a plan of what they want, what they expect, and how they envision their event to go.
However sometimes the client doesn’t really know how security will fit in, and we need to communicate with them where we are best utilized, how many of us would make the most efficient team, and all the little details that really only those fully immersed in this world understand.
This plan then needs to be communicated to the team. Having as many of the details in advance will lend a hand to a successful event. If a team can walk in and know what they’re dealing with, who they’re dealing with, and even why – then they are better prepared. They are more relaxed as they have information in advance and they can better mentally prepare. Clients are more relaxed as they can focus their last minute attention to other areas that may need more work.
Now communication takes a different meaning while actually working. Depending on the level of security you’re providing, Security can be privy to a lot of information that perhaps passerby’s aren’t entitled to hear.
Using code words, talking through radios, using ear pieces and being discreet are all viable options. Hand signals can be incredibly useful. Its also important that you’re giving all of your attention to the task at hand so keeping communication to a minimum and only talking when necessary can be incredibly important.
If something happens, communicating the situation to your team is vital. Giving as many details as necessary without compromising the situation. This being said – as important as it is to explain details, its also just as important to listen.
Listening is an underestimated part of communication. Most of us were born with the ability to listen. To hear. However once we found our tongues and learned to speak, we find it hard to stop.
We’re constantly telling people our thoughts, hopes, plans, ambitions. What we had for lunch today and what we plan to do on the weekend. If we find ourselves at a loss for a conversation topic, we bring up the weather.
Listening is a powerful tool. When you put all the talking aside and listen to what others are saying around you, or just stop and listen to silence. Or nature. Or white noise. If we just stop – and listen – maybe we’ll learn just a little bit more then we would then by talking.
In security listening is an integral aspect. We need to be listening to those around us. Not just requests from clients but anything and everything that is happening. By listening we can hear other peoples thoughts, plans – good and bad. We may be able to take action and preventative measures just by listening and over hearing.
Having the ability to stop something before it happens is a huge benefit.
At the end of the event, there is still more communication needed however.
A debrief of sorts. A means to discuss successes, mishaps, things that could have gone differently and even ways to improve potentially.
Feedback can be shared with the client so they have something to look back on. They can use this as a gauge for future events so they have a better plan to put forward on implementing security, and also a document that shows the importance of security.
In the event there was a situation, providing written documentation on that is important as it ensures there is something to go back on should the need arise.
Communication comes before, during and after. Communication needs to be open, continuous, fluid.
You need to ensure orders are made, and followed.
And never forget to stop talking – and listen.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies
Rayna Davies is a graduate and practitioner of Business Management. She has developed an expertise in blogging, covering subjects like travel, world events and security. Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities. She presently assists Sentinel Security in Executive Protection workshops and guest blogging and also assists Gloprosec Preventative Services in Intelligence gathering and Business Administration. Her passions include World travel, having visited every continent.