Don’t Play Roulette With Training
There are a lot of things in life you can run a bit short and still manage to get by.
You can go light on the sugar.
You can go light on the milk.
You can go short on your work outs.
You can save that last chapter for another day.
Heck those pants that shrunk a bit and are a little too short – pair them with boots and no one will even know!
But training?
Send in a someone that is inexperienced. Has no training. Never been on the site before or potentially in security – the world will know.
Lets take a look at Astroworld for example.
A huge tragedy for something that should have been first of all – a joyous occasion with people gathering which doesn’t seem to happen as often as it should on hopefully the tail end of a pandemic.
And second – a concert which security companies should have ample training and experience in.
While I’m sure we can all agree that concerts have been something only fairly recently brought back to life after over a year of stage silence as we all stayed a part from each other and the things we love that bring us together.
So experience may be a bit stale, a bit outdated, and in the face of a global staffing crisis, probably a bit short all together.
Putting together a rag tag team of misfits is something that can be all too common in this day and age where companies are struggling to get by and meet increasing demands of a society aching to get back to normal.
And while it may be ok to gather some inexperienced help to compliment what should be a solid core team – there are pivotal things that need to happen before this brand new team of individuals is set out to take on the world.
The main thing is training.
Training – especially in any sort of first responder capacity, should not be scrimped.
There shouldn’t be short cuts.
There shouldn’t be things you feel like you can put off and save for a rainy day.
When it comes to primary response – these individuals are there for all of those rainy day moments.
They are there to ideally not be utilized to their full extent, but in the event of an emergency or pressing situation, they are there to step in and own their role.
They need to take control of the situation and activate everything they learned in training to ensure they are limiting the amount of risk, damage, and injury as much as possible.
You wouldn’t send a crew of Fire Fighters to fight a fire without access to water.
You wouldn’t send paramedics without bandaids and oxygen.
You wouldn’t send police or security without comprehensive knowledge of what to do as a bare minimum especially when it comes to crowd control and even use of force.
And yet, in light of recent events in Texas, we are faced with looking back on what could have and should of been and mourning the deaths of people who never should have been in such an extreme situation.
Sadly in these moments we are constantly reflecting on the shortfalls of what organizers and first responders could have and should have done.
We’re highlighting a lack of training, and delayed response times.
The same things time and time again and yet in these pandemic times especially, we feel like we can be forced to rush through and rush past things and even miss these little details all together.
At Sentinel we have run the gauntlet of security and our methods have been tried and tested.
Throughout this past year especially we have learned and fully embraced our training programs.
Taking them further than we ever have before.
While we – just as everyone else – feel the constant need to maintain and even increase our staffing levels. There are things that we can’t – and won’t sacrifice. And that is training.
Anyone that comes in is not only fully licensed, but goes through our training.
We have various levels and standards but we have minimums and contingency plans.
Everything is thought out and planned accordingly.
We would rather have to say no than face an impending law suit due to sending someone untrained and ill prepared.
For more information on this on going discussion and our Stay Safe program – Check out this video here
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies
Rayna Davies is a graduate and practitioner of Business Management. She has developed an expertise in blogging, covering subjects like travel, world events and security. Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Prot
ection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities. She presently assists Sentinel Security in Executive Protection workshops and guest blogging and also assists Gloprosec Preventative Services in Intelligence gathering and Business Administration.
Her passions include World travel, having visited every continent.