From the surface – emotionally and physically, we can all look the same.
While some definitely may look fitter than others, until we dig deep into a person we have no true sense of how strong they may be.
For that matter, based on looks alone you might never know a person’s weaknesses either.
Hidden traits that are left only for those that take the time to really get to know and appreciate a person.
Even then – do we really know how a person truly feels?
Some people are very good about vocalizing their thoughts and feelings.
They wear their heart on their sleeve and you can sometimes get a good sense of things.
Others can crumble at the slightest inconvenience – leaving others to pick up the pieces.
Sometimes they have a great support team and surround themselves with people that know what to do and when to act so they can keep the wheels moving until that person can dust themselves off again.
Some aren’t so lucky and truly rely on rock bottom before they can build themselves back up again.
Then there are the strong ones.
The ones that present a bold front and face everything head on. They never back down and ensure all of those around them are taken care of.
If you ask them for help, they often say ‘they got this’ and they can handle it. In truth – they probably can. They are stronger than you think.
They are Soldiers, and Police, and Security and Health Care workers. They are Teachers and Grocery Clerks and they work in Fast Food. They are Mothers and they are Fathers.
They were built to handle others and make sure that the voice of whoever they may be dealing with – Matters.
The customer is always right. Kids come first. Woman come first. Save humanity. Look after others and be kind.
Its in their blood and what they were built for and they do it day in and day out without a second thought.
They tackle the injustices of society and all the bumps and scrapes the world has to offer.
They take the good with the bad and hold on tight to those positive moments so that they may have a light to get them through the dark.
Strength comes in all shapes and sizes and it can’t always be seen with the naked eye.
Until you get down on their level and truly stop and listen, you may never know what someone is dealing with, what they may be up against, and how strong they really are.
But how strong are they really?
They’re constantly putting others before themselves, letting their needs and wants, hopes and dreams sometimes fall to the wayside.
While they may make a conscious effort to carve out some time in the day for themselves, it may not be quite enough to keep their well full so that they are always moving ahead and maximum capacity.
Sometimes the ones that seem the strongest, are the ones that could use the help the most.
A break – a change of scenery, a hot meal, a night out, a night off.
Small little things could make the world of difference.
And being consistent with making sure our heroes are always running at maximum capacity could make a world of difference to that individual.
While you may never enjoy the rewards of your words or actions – knowing someone else is can be reward enough.
Helping those that are strong and those that are weak is important.
Its a matter of helping others and being kind.
As the saying goes – To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies

Rayna Davies is a graduate and practitioner of Business Management. She has developed an expertise in blogging, covering subjects like travel, world events and security. Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities. She presently assists Sentinel Security in Executive Protection workshops and guest blogging and also assists Gloprosec Preventative Services in Intelligence gathering and Business Administration. Her passions include World travel, having visited every continent.