The Future – A Glance through the Looking Glass
If ever anyone suspected an uncertain future – it is now.
As fellow creatures of habit, we can all typically at least somewhat see what our future could hold.
In the least, we look forward to Birthday’s, Anniversaries, Weddings, Family events, and Holidays. Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving – these fairly ‘standard’ events could all very well be taking on new meaning.
We’ve already seen first hand what an Easter without extended family looks like.
We are in the next stage of this Pandemic and things are looking more hopeful.
Things are starting to look a little brighter, a little more positive.
Slowly as we open up we’re allowed to go a little further and do a little more.
Its a refreshing feeling from where we’ve been the past few months.
However, there is that lingering feeling of what if.
What if this is too soon?
What if it comes back?
And for all those on the other side – what if this was always more than it really needed it to be?
We may never have all the answers and thats ok.
For most, erring on the side of caution and taking every chance and more that would be reasonable to prevent anything bad from happening is just something they and we need(ed) to do.
Its been a lot of hard work and sacrifice.
Its been finding hobbies, and losing some sanity.
Its been an adjustment.
We’ve grown, and we’ve changed.
We’ve adapted new tendencies and precautions.
Our lives will forever be impacted by the Coronavirus. We will forever be imprinted in history and the ones that lived through this.
So with that being said – the future may not look the same as it did last year, or in February or even the beginning of March.
To get back to the normalcy that we had grown to know and love, we have a ways to go.
With our new traits and tendencies to perhaps buy online and shop curbside, technology is once again taking a bigger step in our lives and could very well change the way we do things in the future.
Our new instincts may lead us to a less human approach.
We may reach more for delivery and less for putting ourselves out there.
However on the other side, we have become more invested with everything and everyone under our own roof, so putting our own family first may start to be a bigger priority – which is important.
At the same time, our need and want for human interaction is still there, and the longer we’re apart, the more we probably need it.
Once we are able to get out there and hug others again, those hugs will probably be a little longer, and a little tighter.
But before we get there, it will be like taking all the baby steps again.
Shaky, uncertain steps. Steps that can cause us to think twice about our actions and retreat back to the things we know best to reassure us.
And once we get settled back on two feet, it could be a while still before we’re at a full running pace.
Those that have always been close to us, always will be.
And being able to go further and do more is obviously exciting and what our goal has always been.
However the future, or at least the immediate future is probably still relatively uncertain.
Larger events and gathering have definitely been put on the back burner for now with numerous things cancelled for this summer.
Businesses have been greatly impacted with some sadly not going to be able to see the other side of this.
Other businesses have thrived and stepped up through all of this and we will be forever grateful for the actions of those on the front lines.
When we’re all able to return to normal – or our new normal, things will be the same but different.
Whatever happens, we will do it together. And that is at least one thing you can count on.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies
Rayna Davies is a graduate and practitioner of Business Management. She has developed an expertise in blogging, covering subjects like travel, world events and security. Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities. She presently assists Sentinel Security in Executive Protection workshops and guest blogging and also assists Gloprosec Preventative Services in Intelligence gathering and Business Administration. Her passions include World travel, having visited every continent.