As Covid-19 continues to grip the world, cities are starting into their second waves and with that, seeing more doors shut and rules once again changed.
We are faced with another holiday – another long weekend apart from the ones that we love.
While we can dwell on this and get ourselves down on a situation we can’t fully control, we can also embrace the opportunity to connect virtually, find new ways to be together while apart, and focus on those under the same roof.
Turkey’s might be a bit smaller this year, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that we still have things to be thankful for.
And with mental health awareness day falling on the same weekend we are reminded to be grateful for what we have, its a great time to reflect on the positive.
We are all anxiously awaiting the normal we had come to know and love.
Being with others, going to events, get togethers, large gatherings, and even just a hug.
This second wave, while we’ve been here before, doesn’t necessarily bring that warm and fuzzy feelings into our hearts.
Especially with Christmas looming around the corner, the uncertainty of what the remainder of 2020 could look like is definitely a hot topic.
Its hard for everyone to see eye to eye as we watch economies crumble, families struggle, and the mental and emotional toll that this pandemic has brought on to everyone.
Whatever side you’re on, know that you’re not alone.
When it comes to the mental aspect of all of this, and during a time when these issues are being highlighted – I think its safe to say that almost all of us, everywhere, have struggled mentally at one point or another.
We all cope differently, and some peoples mental health is more fragile than others – but there shouldn’t be a stigma that surrounds it. Especially now. We’re all struggling.
We’re all fighting for that chance to feel normal again.
We’re all wishing things would be different.
Mentally – we have all been beat up a little bit lately.
For the vast majority of the rule followers, we’ve closed off our circles, limited going out, and refrained from doing a lot of thing things we may otherwise be doing.
We have tried in our own small ways to help our neighbourhood economies by being ingenuitive and adopting to take out and curb side pick ups.
We’re shopping local, and cutting back and only buying what it absolutely necessary.
While others may not see the same way, or have the means to contribute like others, the world waits patiently while being bumped and bruised along the way until we can all one day get past this.
And in the meantime, while the world and life seems to be stuck in this endlessly dark place – there still is light.
We still have things to be thankful for.
While this list may sadly not apply to everyone in the whole world, the vast majority have more than one reason to be thankful.
We have the people we love in our lives.
We have the place we lay our head at night.
We have our friends.
We have meals or access to food.
We have shelter.
We have the sun to keep us warm.
We have the seasons so we learn to embrace change.
We have music.
We have love.
Just because we can’t all gather around the table this year for Thanksgiving, doesn’t take the meaning of this tradition away.
It doesn’t take the importance of togetherness away.
And it certainly doesn’t mean we should be ungrateful for the cards we have been dealt.
In the meantime, lets support one another, lets love one another, and lets find new ways to breath life into our economies.
Lets support the restaurants that are forced to close their doors by getting take out instead.
Lets love those we live with by still having a date night – but from the comfort of our own home.
Lets be thankful that we’re alive.
And lets acknowledge that mental health is very real – and we’ve all dealt with it in someway or another. And if our mental well-being happens to be stronger than others – then lets find a way to lift those that need it most.
Together, patiently, we will overcome.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies

Rayna Davies is a graduate and practitioner of Business Management. She has developed an expertise in blogging, covering subjects like travel, world events and security. Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities. She presently assists Sentinel Security in Executive Protection workshops and guest blogging and also assists Gloprosec Preventative Services in Intelligence gathering and Business Administration. Her passions include World travel, having visited every continent.