Good Things Come to Those Who Wait – but They Come Quicker When You Work For It
2018 was a good year for the Sentinel Family.
We saw change. We saw Growth. We worked hard. We saw promise – and we worked even harder to achieve it.
Goals are meant to be set – and the idea is that when you set a goal, its also achievable. Whats the point of making a plan if you can never see it through.
Well, in 2018 we set out a plan to set ourselves apart. To grow, evolve, adapt overcome, and achieve our goals. Some goals we didn’t even plan for. We reached and reached until we achieved great things.
This is the beauty of teamwork.
Teamwork is the foundation of achieving your hopes, dreams, and goals. Without a team, you don’t have a solid base to obtain everything you set out for. It doesn’t meant things are unattainable, but things are certainly easier when everyone is working together.
Sentinel has worked hard this year to grow our team – our family. We aren’t your average Security company. We’re ok with that. Our goal is to be above average – and in order to do so – we require an above average team.
We’re constantly digging deep when we go through the recruitment process. Looking for the best of the best. In order to have an above average team, you need to ensure you’re bringing the above average onboard. Or in the least – working with people to help them grow and achieve greatness. There is no greater reward then working with people and helping them to realize their full potential. This is why we take pride in our training programs and the processes we have set forward in order to help our family grow together.
Granted – we are all human and we all fall down every once in a while. The important factor is having someone there to pick you up, dust you off, and shine you up. It is all part of the process. Its all part of life.
If you’re wondering what 2019 will bring – we hope it is more of the same – but bigger.
When you set out on a journey to bring your “family” into the business world. Impart your knowledge and services to others and make yourself a staple in the industry, you have to prepare for the unexpected. Long days. Short days. No sleep. Standing – a lot of Standing. Stepping up and stepping in. The occasional floor sweep or customer service. Being proactive. Keeping calm. Calming others. Anything, and quite literally everything in between.
In 2019 our family will continue to grow in all directions. Develop our training programs even further to grow our knowledge of the industry. To gain more insight in what our clients want – and what they don’t want. Growing our team so we’re consistently able to say yes as the requests come in. Constantly having the right people for the right jobs in the right places. Realizing that while we’re all part of the same big puzzle, we’re all different pieces and some of us fit better in some places than others. Capitalizing on these opportunities and turning weaknesses into strengths.
In 2018 Sentinel laid the ground work for our future – just as we have in previous years. Each year we build the foundation for the next. Every decision and action we take, is a step towards our continuing success. In order to move forward, we need to make conscience choices and realize that our actions speak volumes. In the world we live in today, there often is no second chances. There is always someone waiting in the wings to swoop in and take over. We want to always be the first choice. And if in the event we’re not, we’ll be your wing man. We’ll be ready to step up where others have failed. We’ll pick you up, dust you off and keep going.
2018 – its been great. We’re grateful for all the opportunities that we have worked for and have been presented with.
2019 – we’re ready. We’ve worked hard to bring this year forward and we can’t wait to see what this year brings.
We’re ready to continue to work together to continuously achieve great things.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies
Rayna Davies is a graduate and practitioner of Business Management. She has developed an expertise in blogging, covering subjects like travel, world events and security. Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities. She presently assists Sentinel Security in Executive Protection workshops and guest blogging and also assists Gloprosec Preventative Services in Intelligence gathering and Business Administration. Her passions include World travel, having visited every continent.