Hit the Ground Running – What to expect as you enter the World of Security
Even as we hit our so called adult and responsible years, we can’t help but sometimes feel a bit of hesitation or trepidation when it comes to our firsts.
Long gone are the days where we had the first day of school. Days mixed with eager hesitation to meet new teachers, but excitement to reconnect with friends who may not have had much chance to connect with over our summer vacations.
First days of work can be just as nerve wracking and filled with hesitant excitement as when we experienced firsts as a child.
And when you’re stepping into your first day of a new career, or a new industry – these things are sometimes only even more amplified.
Growing up and starting a new career doesn’t have to be scary though, especially if you’re as prepared as you can be.
For starters – do your research.
If you’re looking at joining the front line ranks of security, take a look at the industry you’re looking to get into.
This can mean taking an opportunity to visit the places where you would find security.
Take a step back and quietly observe as you watch others who are well versed in their positions.
While it can be hard to engage with security while they’re working depending on their current goal, never be afraid to ask questions if an opportunity allows.
Society has grown to be more hesitant to interact with one another these days – especially in person. However bring back that old school approach of engaging. Human beings aren’t generally as scary as some are made out to be.
Next, once you’re licensed and have your foot in the door with a job offer – ensure you have the proper equipment.
This can vary from company to company.
Within our framework, we provide most of the basics especially the identifying pieces that are unique to our organization.
However some of the more personal requirements like equipment belts and boots for starters, are for the most part a staple item that you would be responsible to acquire.
One of the things to make sure of when you’re getting these staple pieces is to ensure not only quality, but comfort.
It can be difficult to justify putting money upfront before you even get a first paycheque, but skimping on footwear historically isn’t the best choice.
Especially in the security field where there is a high probability of spending long hours on your feet, shoes can literally make you or break you.
Find a solid black shoe – either a tactical boot or dress shoe – that provides comfort and support while still addressing the needs of the uniform requirement is a priority.
Other basic uniform requirements that may or may not be company provided are things like notebook, pen, flashlight.
In a digital age we tend to stray away from the art of pen and paper, however working in a field where briefs and debriefs, notes and records can be pivotal to success, in the event of a dead battery, loss of power, loss of technology on any level – being able to have the ability to keep solid notes is integral.
Next you’ll want to ensure you attend any orientation or onboarding provided by your new company.
This is a chance to sit with others starting out on their ‘first day’ along with you.
The company has a chance to go over all policies, procedures while taking care of any mundane admin tasks.
You’ll probably receive any uniform pieces as well as learn about the sites you’ll visit, what is entailed with the expected duties, and how to take proper accurate notes.
This is a great chance to follow up on any unanswered questions you may have and engage with other individuals in the field where they teach you by using their own experience.
Any essential training topics are also typically included at this point to ensure you start off in the best way possible.
For the most part, you’re now ready for your first shift.
A seemingly short and sweet process all leading up to the real deal.
Your first duty or detail where you will most likely be teamed up with others in a small or large team setting.
Your supervisor will brief you on the client, duties involved, expectations and anything else to be aware of.
Making sure you have your notebook, radio, licence, and appropriate uniform are definitely key at this point.
While the word ‘security’ can come with some heavy expectations, keep in mind that for the most part – while security is there to ensure the safety of others, or property, or things – this is very much a client facing role and you will spend time engaged with the others around.
It can at times feel like glorified Customer Service position as you strive to keep everyone around you happy, well mannered, and most of all – safe.
At times it may feel like you’re juggling a few balls at the same time, but it is nothing to be overwhelmed with.
As long as you stay diligent, focused, and if you can do it like you’re treating everyone how you want to be treated (with kindness and respect), you’ll find that the security part comes naturally.
Before you know it, you’ll have passed 90 days and feel like a seasoned veteran on the floor.
While you may not have as many stories or experiences as the guard beside you, know that they will come soon enough.
Next thing you know, you’ll be taking someone else with the first day jitters – under your wing to show them the proverbial ropes and set their minds at ease so they can quickly be comfortable and confident just as you are now.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies
Rayna is the Office Manager at Sentinel Security, as well as the main blog contributor.
With foundations firmly routed in Business administration, Customer Service, and Management, she brings years of experience to her roles both within the Sentinel office, and the blog.
Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities.
Her passions include spending time with her husband and two young children, world travel, reading, writing, and pushing herself to always look for the silver lining.