No one ever claimed that the path to success was short – or easy.
At the same time, in no way is the path to success a direct route with a final destination.
An end point would signify that there is nothing beyond – nothing further than just that… an end point.
However with success, as with most things in life, the end point isn’t always so clearly labeled or signified.
Nor should it be.
Its much like feeling like you’ve reached the epitome of perfection.
This would imply that there isn’t anything beyond perfect itself.
That you couldn’t possible propel yourself further, or learn more, or do better.
The journey from point A to point B seems like it should be quite clear – a quick short line with no other options.
However there still could be multiple options, and who’s to say that just because a way is more efficient, makes it the best route.
Winston Churchill once said – Success is not Final, Failure is not Fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.
The journey, is only part of the battle.
Success too, is only part of it.
Whether we fail or succeed in some ways is irrelevant.
Its the fact that we continue ahead on the path that we’ve blazed.
Taking all of our wins and all of our losses as part of the lessons’ we’ve learned along the way.
Its how we handle all of these things that may be considered road bumps, how we rise to the occasions, and roll with the punches so to speak.
In life, you can’t take the wins without the losses.
Otherwise how else we would learn when we need to forge ahead or pause and reflect on the moment?
As a business, these rules are not excluded to us either.
In fact, more so than ever have we learned to roll with everything thats been dealt our way.
The past three years we have ebbed and flowed through hardships, challenges, and obstacles we never could have imagined.
The world was right along side of us as we all struggled.
We continued on our path as best as we could.
We knew we had to get from point A, to point B – but now we would have to take the long way.
Any failure or roadblock we found along the way we would not let bring us down.
Instead, we would use each little bump as motivation to keep going.
To reach goal after goal and keep setting goals so that we could always have that forward momentum.
As the world comes alive, more and more are once again propelling forward.
Using the stepping stones and roadblocks encountered as a means to better position themselves, and ourselves as we forge ahead.
The company that we once were a few years ago, has blossomed and grown.
We’ve changed and evolved in ways that we never would have thought possible without encountering the hiccups and drawbacks we stumbled on along the way.
Our dreams are bigger, our goals are bigger.
We are continuing on this path and are looking for those who like to dream big.
We need people who have big aspirations, big plans and want to go places.
You don’t need to be perfect but willing to learn and grow and work with a team.
We want those that know that the path to A to B isn’t always straightforward but that all the corners and cracks along the way, can be used with purpose and used to reach levels of success that we may not have set out to achieve, but have reached as a by product on a different path to a different win.
Success isn’t handed out, its earned.
And we’re here to help you earn it with us.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies
Rayna is the Office Manager at Sentinel Security, as well as the main blog contributor.
With foundations firmly routed in Business administration, Customer Service, and Management, she brings years of experience to her roles both within the Sentinel office, and the blog.
Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities.
Her passions include spending time with her husband and two young children, world travel, reading, writing, and pushing herself to always look for the silver lining.