We are currently finding ourselves in a stage we haven’t really been in since pre pandemic times.
Almost everything is open (with or without some limitations), and we’re finding our options for things to do, places to go, and places to meet up with friends are increasing.
We are eager to get back out there, see people, see our friends and our family. We are trying to inject and stimulate our local economies in ways not seen in over a year and a half.
We’re taking all the pennies earned and saved and treating ourselves.
Dining 0ut, concerts, movies, shopping. Things that for much of our lives we took for granted that were all in one foul swoop, taken away from us.
While our patience for a return to normal life was all but thread bare if that even, we have to remember and acknowledge that all of the places we’re visiting had just the same amount or less patience to get back into things.
They’ve missed us just as much as we’ve missed them.
With one small caveat. While much of the entertainment and dining establishment was shut down for a year or more, they were faced with the tough decision to lay off staff.
This staff that was laid off has either found new work, taken the opportunity to go back to school, or for whatever reason, may not be looking to jump back in as quickly as some of the rest of us.
With this said, the customer service industry is struggling for coverage.
Almost any place that invites guests to dine, or be entertained is running short.
Those looking for a job right now may have a multitude of options – Security for one is an industry highly in need of job applicants (so please reach out if you’re licensed and interested – we’d love to hear from you!).
But with these staffing shortages, we remind you to be patient.
Our friends in the service industry are ecstatic to be back and happy to see your smiling faces, but understand that in some cases, they’re still holding on by a thread.
Facing staffing shortages, sick calls, and what have you and while they are still trying to show you the same high quality service levels you had come to know and expect, there is only so much they can do at one time.
Be kind.
While it is hard to be patient at all times (especially when this is a big deal for you as well – escaping the four walls we’ve all been all too familiar with), when you’re kind and smiling – those around you tend to catch on too.
While Covid is obviously contagious and no one needs to preach the science or any side of that story – Smiles are just as or more contagious.
In the very least, while you’re waiting those extra few minutes possibly for your favourite dish that you haven’t had the opportunity to experience for ages – show those around you some kindness and patience by smiling. (its free!)
We’ve all suffered and we have all missed out with everything that Covid has thrown at us.
We’re all beyond sick and tired and frustrated with lockdown, then partial openings followed by more lockdowns and protocol after protocol.
No one loves this situation.
And whatever thought camp you belong too in the whole covid debate, know that we’re all on the same side.
Every. Single. One of us.
We all want this to be over.
We all want to turn to the next page of the history books.
We don’t want to hear the word mandates or protocols or guidelines. We’re beyond done.
What we want is to move past.
Enjoy life as we are used too.
And in the meantime, lets be patient.
Lets be kind.
Lets remember that no matter what, we will get through this. So the easier we can make this on ourselves and others, the better.
And if you do find yourself in the need for work, lets connect and we may have something that interests you!
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies
Rayna Davies is a graduate and practitioner of Business Management. She has developed an expertise in blogging, covering subjects like travel, world events and security. Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Prot
ection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities. She presently assists Sentinel Security in Executive Protection workshops and guest blogging and also assists Gloprosec Preventative Services in Intelligence gathering and Business Administration.
Her passions include World travel, having visited every continent.