As Toronto looks to be stepping into phase two in the next week hopefully, many people are eagerly awaiting these next few days.
With phase two comes something that most Canadian’s live for during our beautiful summer months – the reemergence of patios.
Meeting with friends for a drink or something to eat on a patio on a beautiful summers day in Toronto is something that we have recently been only able to dream of these past few months – and soon its going to be our reality.
We are looking forward to welcoming back the service industry with open arms (from a distance!), hungry belly’s, and a thirst that has been aching to be quenched since last years long forgotten days of summer.
One thing to keep in mind as we take these eager first steps (or running leaps) onto the patio’s that will be opening up, is that this is an industry that was especially hard hit. The service industry for the most part has been laying low and most likely off the job for this whole time.
As I’m sure they’re looking forward to their big return, they probably do so with a bit of uncertainty.
The jobs they know and loved were pushed aside in March, they’re returning to a new world and a very much changed world.
The rules are different, and so are the expectations.
As with everything else in life, we should approach this with kind and understanding hearts, patience, and gratitude.
We need to respect their decisions and the measures they have implemented to keep their patrons safe.
We need to understand that the rules that are in place are there for a reason. Maybe not just for us but for them too. And those around us.
If we enter an establishment and are asked to wear a mask, out of respect for others it is absolutely something that should be followed.
Wearing a mask doesn’t always protect you, but it could be protecting someone else.
If service is a bit slower than normal, we need to be patient. The industry has changed and the steps from point A to point B aren’t always clear or concise at these times.
Showing appreciation for those that are working during this pandemic, and those that are sacrificing time with their families for others is important.
At the same time as those of us that are eagerly awaiting cold drinks under the hot summer sun on a patio, there are those that have spent the past three months inside living with the uncertainty of the world. Taking these next steps while we’ve all waited so long for them to arrive, they aren’t always easily taken.
Our social bubbles in most cases have vastly decreased. Our in person time has been replaced by screens or digital meetings and even then for some have been less and less.
We have been living in our own little cocoons. Learning about our families and those that we share a roof with.
While they may be our families, these are people that we probably haven’t spent that much consecutive unbroken time with, and to all of a sudden expand that social boundary that while yes might be absolutely needed and long awaited for, can still be awkward.
We are a society that had grown used to cancelling plans, to a society that had no plans left to cancel.
While we look forward to seeing those we haven’t seen in months, for some it will take time to warm up to making plans and being social again.
While the physical health of Covid-19 has been something we have grown all to well aware of, we’re all seeing and learning and feeling about the mental side now.
So while we all look forward to reemerging whether it be to patios, parks, playgrounds or malls – remember that we’re all coming from different places and different walks of life.
Be kind
Be Understanding
Be patient.
One day this will all just be another chapter in the history books.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies

Rayna Davies is a graduate and practitioner of Business Management. She has developed an expertise in blogging, covering subjects like travel, world events and security. Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities. She presently assists Sentinel Security in Executive Protection workshops and guest blogging and also assists Gloprosec Preventative Services in Intelligence gathering and Business Administration. Her passions include World travel, having visited every continent.