Taking Care of Number One – Yourself
In the Security world, we’re constantly putting others before ourselves.
Their well being, their peace of mind, their happiness, their comfort, their safety – all of these priorities over our own.
Keeping others happy and safe can be exhausting. By the time the day is over, for the most part – the couch or bed seem to be the only or best option.
Our needs are once again taking a back seat to others and exhaustion.
Being tired and being exhausted can be hard to get past. As adults we spend a good deal of our time hustling. Hustling at work, hustling on errands, hustling for the home and family, its no wonder when we have a few extra minutes to ourselves we throw Netflix on and gaze mind numbingly at the TV for minutes – or hours on end. Blocking out the day, blocking out the rushing, blocking out life.
Its hard when there is always so much that needs to be done between all the adult moments of the day, to find a good chunk of time to make sure you and your well being is looked after.
But it is oh so important to make sure you’re looking after yourself.
Even taking half an hour a day to read a book, exercise, meditate, have a bubble bath or go for a walk – something that is just for you. Half an hour can some times feel like its nothing when it comes to spending time on yourself, at at the same time, it can feel like a burden on an already hectic schedule. But having that small pocket in the day where you are doing something that is just for you – as little as it is, it adds up. It comes to the point where you expect that little pocket of you time, and you start to live for it.
You know that no matter what else during the day, you will manage to find that small window for yourself. Even if its a different window every day, or a different view. The end result is the same – you’re making yourself matter to the most important person. Yourself.
Once you start turning some focus towards yourself, you’re going to start feeling better. Feeling better about yourself, others, life. You’ll start to look better because feeling good is a beautiful thing – and it shows on all angles. Your posture, your face, your attitude.
People will notice when you’re feeling good and feeling good can actually become an epidemic. When people see others smiling, laughing, feeling good and loving life, they can’t help but want in on that.
Who doesn’t want to feel good?
Eventually the feeling good becomes less of an act, and more of a routine.
That half an hour a day – or whatever amount of time you’ve allotted to yourself doesn’t seem like such a burden anymore because you realize that it is important. Its you time – and you’re not a burden.
You have worth – you have value.
Ensuring that your health, happiness and well being are looked after – matters.
And when people start to see the effect that this time is having on you, they won’t stand in your way of your time. If anything, they may that that time to make space for themselves and grab a slice of the life you’re having and offering.
When you take care of yourself, people notice.
And when people notice, they usually want in.
So start a trend and open up a window of space for yourself in everyday. See the difference it makes in your life, your career, and your relationships.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies
Rayna Davies is a graduate and practitioner of Business Management. She has developed an expertise in blogging, covering subjects like travel, world events and security. Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities. She presently assists Sentinel Security in Executive Protection workshops and guest blogging and also assists Gloprosec Preventative Services in Intelligence gathering and Business Administration. Her passions include World travel, having visited every continent.