The Changing of Seasons
Here we are at yet another change in the season.
Saying good bye to the warm embrace of green grass, hot sun, long days, and warm nights.
For many, this past summer was a true breath of fresh air.
The hope of a light at the end of this pandemic felt closer than ever before.
In this constant battle of give and take from government, health officials and life itself – we had finally reached a point where there felt like more give and less take.
Concerts came back, things opened up, sports resumed – slowly life seemed to be gaining momentum and taking all the right turns.
Even the Toronto Film Festival made a come back.
Life is finally looking a lot more hopeful.
Now, as the leaves start changing, the days grow shorter and the temperature drops – we are eagerly embracing the crisp change that autumn brings.
While faced with a world of uncertainty, we may never know what tomorrow brings.
We are rounding the quarter of the second round of Covid events.
We’ve had two covid springs, two Easters, two summers, birthdays, weddings, missed gatherings, small gatherings, and a glimpse of normal.
We’re heading into our second covid Thanksgiving, Halloween – and soon, Christmas and New Years.
While we’ve found our own personal ways to adapt and move forward by making the choices that we feel comfortable with – the choices that we feel safe with.
We all long for the day where choice, and safe, and simplicity are rolled back into one and our excuses for not ‘showing up’ are no longer covid related but back to our old realm of excuses.
Given what we have all gone through, one of the greatest pandemic lessons that can hopefully be taken from all of this is gaining a better respect for our own personal time and space.
What we once made excuses for we should now be able to boldly state our decision.
Yes we can go because we want to.
Or No we can’t because we need a break for ourself.
We shouldn’t need to hide behind false truths and blatant lies.
However with all this said, with the dawn of autumn upon us and the hope of brighter days – there will always be the possibility that even the so called drab events that we had at one point dreaded, may give rise for even a bit of excitement.
Being a company so closely tied to the event industry – we have felt every ebb and flow that these past couple of years has had to offer.
We certainly felt the grinding halt, almost as much as we’ve felt things creep back in and then even rush with this past summer.
With this ever changing landscape, we have welcomed every opportunity with open arms.
We have been very fortunate to pivot, adapt, and take on an even more fulfilling role in the security industry than ever before.
Having a history of working with events, VIPs, and hospitality, having this opportunity to delve into the health care sector has broadened our scope on this industry that we love and hold so dear.
We continue to evolve and grow in terms of training, skills, staff and even clients.
We are at a time where we truly feel that we are really hitting our stride.
With a well built and established team that we call family, with clients that we respect and respect us and an industry that continues to shift and grow – we are nothing but excited to see what tomorrow and this next season brings.
As we reflect on these past months, this past season – we will be eternally grateful for the unexpected busy.
The days that felt like that they would never end. The waiting lists, the emails the phone calls.
All fleeting moments that in those instances weighed heavily on us and in hindsight, added to yet another fulfilling season.
As the leaves start to turn and soon fall, darkness comes earlier and we pack our summer clothes away for yet another season. We look forward to what awaits us.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies
Rayna Davies is a graduate and practitioner of Business Management. She has developed an expertise in blogging, covering subjects like travel, world events and security. Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Prot
ection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities. She presently assists Sentinel Security in Executive Protection workshops and guest blogging and also assists Gloprosec Preventative Services in Intelligence gathering and Business Administration.
Her passions include World travel, having visited every continent.