Upgrading – Increasing your Leadership Potential
Sentinel has never shied away from the topic of what makes a great leader.
Our organization thrives on encouraging personal growth and helping to provide the tools to bring out leadership potential.
Training, education, and a will to succeed are the basic fundamentals in increasing positive growth. This isn’t news to anyone.
The general will alone can be drive enough for most to surpass their colleagues in a bid to succeed and progress up the ladder.
But as one moves up the ladder, is there anything left to do but blindly old on to that higher rung?
Is there further up to go?
That all depends on how high your ladder extends… or how high you want it too.
It is entirely possible to climb up the ladder to that spot you originally set your eyes on. Sit there and maintain your post.
So long as no one shakes the ladder, or moves it – there shouldn’t be an issue maintaining position.
But how could you make that position more comfortable – sturdy, or even use it as a resting place until you move yourself further up the ladder?
The strength of a true leader does not revolve around their political decisions, goals, or aspirations. While thats all lovely fluff that provides a nice cushion around their platform, it won’t be what in the end is a deciding factor on if they’ve made a great leader or not.
A great leader is someone that doesn’t just propel themselves up further ahead, but ensures they have people they motivate to better themselves as well.
The larger the following this leader can help positively succeed, the better their leadership skills.
A true leader is driven to succeed. They see the top and they are interested to see what is beyond.
They work hard – put in the hours and the extra work. They train hard and work harder. Their life is based on success and they accept little to nothing else.
They also lead others. Their will isn’t selfish. Its passionate and company driven.
A leader isn’t just interested in themselves succeeding. Their passion drives their company and family to succeed as well.
Working with others so that everyone is constantly giving each other a boost when needed.
We all have our down days and we all have days when we could use a little help. Knowing that these days exist, and willing to press pause on life to help other people past their plateaus is what breeds a great leader.
Boosting others energy and confidence so that everyone gains – these are attributes that help to make a great leader.
People that are interested in getting further ahead are not leaders. They are risk setters, goal setters, but they are not leaders.
They are driven to succeed, but its purely for personal gain. Others have no impact – right or wrong. As long as they themselves succeed… nothing else matters.
However it can get cold and lonely at the top.
Which is why in order for things to keep moving in an successful upward momentum – you need to ensure that the leader has a strong team with others built on the same motives and beliefs.
A single person willing themself to succeed will only get so far on their own.
A team working together with a common movement is going to propel themselves much further. Constantly giving each other a leg up when needed and helping one another move forward, and work together in moving their company and common interest further.
In security – goals and missions and details are never about an individual purpose. There is always a greater good and a team to stand behind.
The more you stick with your team and work together – the further a head you’ll get.
If getting ahead is your goal, ensure you find a team that you can get behind, and work together in achieving success and move each other forward so that at the end of the day, you continue to face the future, and not the past.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies
Rayna Davies is a graduate and practitioner of Business Management. She has developed an expertise in blogging, covering subjects like travel, world events and security. Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities. She presently assists Sentinel Security in Executive Protection workshops and guest blogging and also assists Gloprosec Preventative Services in Intelligence gathering and Business Administration. Her passions include World travel, having visited every continent.